Sunday, June 26, 2005

I've Been Busy

For the past week, I've been wrapping up the last minute details of the Crab & Shrimp Feast. My committee always offers our guests refreshments and a 50/50 drawing on all of our bus ride fundraisers and yesterday was no different. We fed everyone cold cut sandwiches (w/out all of the stinky stuff like onions, oil, & vinegar), chips, soda, and bottled water. This was to hold them over until we reached the banquet facility were the Crab & Shrimp Feast was held.

Once we arrived, it was on. Everyone was peeling shrimp and busting crabs open all night mixed with dancing, drinking (premium open bar), picture taking, and gambling at the wheel (like the ones they have in casinos). It was great.

Now you know I got my groove on. I had the fellas requesting to dance with me all night. Yes, they were watching my moves - you just can't mess with me on the dance floor. I danced until I was tired and then some. I had a really good time.

The tickets were more expensive this year, but it was well worth the money. My committee does a fabulous job with our fundraisers. Kudoos to my committee.

Monday, June 20, 2005

After Dinner . . .

It's been a few days since I've posted so here goes... Lately, it seems that all I talk about is food. Anyway, last night we took my cousin to dinner for his birthday. As I recap, I can't believe how many crab legs I devoured - I was out of control. I mean, I really went to town on those things. And to make it so bad, when he finished his meal, I was still cracking crab legs open. I think the summertime has an influence on my seafood binges.

On to something else - Last night, my state committee had a conference call (after all of those crab legs, you know I didn't feel like participating). We designated our new coordinators for the year 2008. Why did it take so long for us to cover our agenda? Sometimes the committee takes way too much time to accomplish the simplest tasks. Finding a medium between the older and younger members sure is difficult - the older members are very much set in their ways. It's similar to trying twist the lid off of a jar that is so tight that after you tap it, bang it, and hit the bottom of it, it still won't open. All the while, you get so annoyed that you leave it alone until later . . . and then when you twist it, the lid comes right off. Well that's exactly what it's like with me being the youngest member on the committee. Sometimes, it just beats me up mentally. The one thing that keeps me going is our purpose, keeping my family tradition alive is worth more than letting the old timers wear me out.

Friday, June 17, 2005


Today happens to be my cousin's Birthday. He doesn't seem to be all excited about it though. A few of us will take him out for a Birthday dinner on Sunday. This is customary in my family - Birthdays are a big deal.

I'm not going to write much today because I'm in the process of finishing up some research. I called myself taking a break right now - so until tomorrow I'm signing off.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Crab & Shrimp Feast

Yesterday it didn't cross my mind that before I take my trip to Virginia, I will be going to the Crab & Shrimp Feast in Maryland with my reunion state committee. So now there are two trips that I am excited about. Let me tell you, I am going to eat, eat, & eat. I hope that I'm not portraying myself as a glutton because I am only 125 lbs and I have maintained this weight since I was 21.

Back to the Crab & Shrimp Feast - I'm going to dance my tail off - yes, I am pretty smooth on the dance floor. Last year while I was there, a little girl and her friends came up to me and asked if they could dance with me. The one little girl just clung to me like I was her mother or something. She grabbed me by the hand and introduced me to her whole family. Wouldn't you know that for the entire evening these kids wouldn't let me dance with anyone else. When a guy wanted to dance with me, these little kids would make their way over and interupt my dance. I was like darn, I can't socialize now that these kids have put me in protective custody. It was OK though, maybe they just liked something about me, not to mention they tried to steal all of my dance moves : )

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

I'm Planning My Next Genealogy Trip

Soon I'll be taking a trip back to my roots in good ole Virginia. I'm quite sure there will be more than enough information waiting there for me. Actually, it's going to take me more than one trip to accomplish everything. I'm in the early planning stages now - mapping out my course of action. This trip is going to be a doosey, but I'm built for this. There is one perk that I'm looking forward to and that is eating some of that great Maryland seafood. Ummm, Ummm, Ummm I can't wait. And if it's nice, I'll have to do it twice - which means I'll get some more seafood during the trip back home :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

The Governor Welcomes My Family

Here is the greeting from the Governor of Pennsylvania. Although PA. is not my home state, my state committee decided to host the reunion there because mountains have great significance in my family history.

After The Reunion . . .

I have just settled down after co-ordinating the 35th Anniversary of my annual family reunion. I incorporated a serious business plan in pulling off this event. There were a lot of fresh and new ideas that kept everyone pleasantly surprised. On the flip side, there were also a lot of last minute obstacles that surfaced out of nowhere, but with determination things turned out absolutely wonderful. Everyone had a great time and commemded me on a job well done--Of course that made me feel great :)

To forget one's ancestors is to be a brook
without a source, a tree without a root.
~Chinese Proverb

I have really gravitated towards genealogy, especially after the success of finding several lost segments of my family - after all the years of not knowing where they were. I was extremely honored when they decided to attend the reunion this year. My family welcomed them with open arms and it felt like we've known them for a lifetime. I guess that's how it is with family. We were all excited to see the reunion grow in this manner.

Each year the hosting of the family reunion rotates to various states. In three years, the reunion will have made it's way back to my home state and my plan is to make sure that when I present the new family history to them, they'll feel like they've just purchased a novel. I have found that there is importance in knowing your family's documented history. It gives you such a sense of pride and belonging. The task of putting it all together is not an easy one at all and the key to being a family historian is being accurate to highest level of accuracy without deviation.

There you have it, I've been labeled the current Family Historian, of course not by my own doing - my family did this to me. I'll accept the title with honor and try to be as productive as I possibly can. Thus far, I have not been discouraged - instead I've been met with a lot of success. Wish me luck!

Monday, June 13, 2005


this is an audio post - click to play

I've Decided To Start Blogging

As you can tell, I had nothing better to do except add a picture to this blog. Hopefully, it'll get better. I really do have a lot to say, but not today.