Thursday, June 16, 2005

Crab & Shrimp Feast

Yesterday it didn't cross my mind that before I take my trip to Virginia, I will be going to the Crab & Shrimp Feast in Maryland with my reunion state committee. So now there are two trips that I am excited about. Let me tell you, I am going to eat, eat, & eat. I hope that I'm not portraying myself as a glutton because I am only 125 lbs and I have maintained this weight since I was 21.

Back to the Crab & Shrimp Feast - I'm going to dance my tail off - yes, I am pretty smooth on the dance floor. Last year while I was there, a little girl and her friends came up to me and asked if they could dance with me. The one little girl just clung to me like I was her mother or something. She grabbed me by the hand and introduced me to her whole family. Wouldn't you know that for the entire evening these kids wouldn't let me dance with anyone else. When a guy wanted to dance with me, these little kids would make their way over and interupt my dance. I was like darn, I can't socialize now that these kids have put me in protective custody. It was OK though, maybe they just liked something about me, not to mention they tried to steal all of my dance moves : )


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